Posted 30/05/2017

How to Turn Millions into Billions

Next Level Podcast

Growing Telecity from a £6million company to one worth over £3billion was quite a journey – negotiating acquisitions and mergers to achieve the best outcome and value across the board was no easy ride.

Listen to this Build Business Acumen podcast where I talk about my own journey to becoming a plural non-exec director and chairman across four continents and how I combine this with dedicating time to my passion for the empowerment of children and women through my charity fundraising initiatives like the 40 Marathons in 40 Days I ran in 2016.

It was interesting to talk about how personal branding is so important for business leaders now as we as individuals are naturally synonymous with our businesses – the two are inextricably linked. You can’t sell your business services if you can’t sell yourself – so selling yourself by creating a sense of trust and managing your personal brand is essential for progress.

In my next book, Live.Love.Work.Prosper. I’m combining my thirst for technology with my passion for work life integration – creating a collaboration with Blippar which allows my book to quite literally come to life. Using unique imagery that changes in front of your eyes via augmented reality, I can be virtually in the room telling you even more secrets to success that are not written in the book.

This is the ultimate integration of real life, the hard copy book that you can hold and read, and 21st Century technology that allows me to be virtually in the room with you – a great example of how we can in fact integrate everything in our lives and live one life – not the opposing idea that we have multiple lives that we are trying to ‘balance’. In my book you will learn how technology can be an empowering mechanism for creating a simpler life and more efficient life.

If you would like to find out more about my ‘radical’ approach to management that has been a game-changer for the businesses I support you can read more in Forget Strategy, Get Results.

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